Me! Not on a tram... |
Today I attempted to ride the trams on my own for the first time! I left my house, and walked to the nearby tram station. Within a few minutes, the tram came! And I got on. I sat next to a guy who didn't seem overly excited to have me sitting there...and I wondered if maybe its not culturally acceptable to sit next to strangers on the tram. I continued to sit there anyways. I didn't really have a set place I was going, I was just looking for a store. Two stops later I saw one! I got off the tram and bought the items I needed, and went to get on a tram going the opposite direction. After a few minutes, a tram came! And I didn't get on fast enough...a few minutes later, another tram came! And it broke down 20 feet from the tram stop...a few minutes later it was working again, and I got on! About three stops later, I realized that the tram was going the wrong direction. So I rode it for one more stop, and got off. I was now in City Center, but I wanted to be home. I had six minutes until the next tram(one going the right direction this time) so I walked around City Center. All was not lost, because I found a tram stop that I was meeting someone at the next day! After three minutes of wondering around, I worked my way back to the tram stop. This is not easy as you may think, because at this particular part of town it is scary to cross the street. There are trams going two different directions coming from three different directions. And then there are also cars driving. But I crossed the street, carefully, and got to the tram stop two minutes early! When it came, I got on the tram! And eventually got back to the stop that is near my house, and got off the tram! All in all this was a fun little adventure, and now I feel more experienced in European tram riding!
Glad you got home safe! Sounds a little like my first experience on the train system in Tokyo by myself for the first time. Makes for great stories to tell and fun memories!